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[투포인터] Container With Most Water - LeetCode Swift

문제 : https://leetcode.com/problems/container-with-most-water/


Container With Most Water - LeetCode

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양쪽 끝에 포인터를 한개씩 둔다음에 모든 Area 중에 제일 큰 Area를 반환한다.



class Solution {
    func maxArea(_ height: [Int]) -> Int {
        var startPoint = 0
        var endPoint = height.count - 1
        var area = 0
        guard endPoint != 1 else {
            return min(height[startPoint], height[endPoint])
        while startPoint < endPoint {
            let width = endPoint - startPoint 
            var newArea = 0
              if height[startPoint] < height[endPoint] {
                newArea = width * height[startPoint]
                startPoint += 1
            } else {
                newArea = width * height[endPoint]
                endPoint -= 1
             area = max(area, newArea)
        return area